Online play page change history

Latest Changes to the Online Play page

December 22, 2020

Following your many suggestions, I have made the following modifications:

  • Pencil marks are aligned in a 3x3 grid where each number always occupies the same position within the cell. 1 is in the top left position, 5 is always in the center, 9 in the bottom right, etc. Having the pencil marks in set positions according to their value should help to recognize patterns in the grid.
  • The highlighter now marks the selected numbers with a gray circle instead of a green background.
  • The space bar toggles the keyboard function between final numbers and pencil marks. Note that this may not work well in every browser. In case your browser scrolls when pressing the spacebar, or if you prefer to use another key, you can set a key of your choice from the preferences window. The toggle key must be a printable character (no shift, ctrl, tab or function keys) and it cannot be a number.
  • The selector does not close automatically anymore when selecting a color.
  • Fixed the problem of the button labels that appeared too small on Safari.

I hope you like the new changes.

Thanks again for all the feedback. If you would like to suggest any other improvements, please let me know using the contact form.